While interning at Insomniac Games, I had the chance to design an awesome project for their new game, Marvel's Spider-Man. The prompt was simple: a full wrap for the 42nd Street Shuttle in New York City, which shuttles guests between Grand Central Station and Times Square.
Throughout the process, I collaborated with the game's Art Director to develop the overall vision, worked with our in-house lighting team to gather appropriate renders for mockups, communicated with Marvel's legal team for IP approval, and directed the production of final deliverables for printing through Sony Interactive Entertainment and a third party printing company. While I designed the wrap myself, the final product was the result of a lot of collaboration! The train was a big hit, gaining millions of impressions on Twitter and being dubbed the "Spider-Man Hype Train" by fans. See below for more details on the design process.


Pictured left and below are some of the early mockups I created to nail down the design of the various components of the train wrap. After several rounds of reviews and iterations, the templates were sent to Sony, where a team created the final deliverables under our direction.
While we wanted the train to be big and bold, we also wanted it to feel a bit like it could exist in the game itself, so I came up with a few details to add that bit of realism. On the seats, we sporadically placed a trompe l'oeil version of the Daily Bugle, the classic Spider-Man newspaper, as if a commuter had simply left behind their copy on the seat. Overhead, where passengers would normally find advertisements in a subway train, I placed ads for in-game companies, mixed with a few real ads for PlayStation, Marvel, and Insomniac.

Bonus: me reading an actual printed version of the Daily Bugle we "left" on the train seats!
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